1) This bag is very heavy a) I will carry it for you b) I am going to carry it for you 2) Do you have any plans for dinner? a) Yes, I'm going to meet Ally. b) Yes, I'll meet with Ally. 3) You can borrow my phone a) Thanks! I am not going to lose it b) Thanks! I won't lose it 4) I can't do this math calculation a) Show it to me and I will help you b) Show it to me and I am going to help you 5) See you at eight o'clock. a) Ok. I' m not going to be late b) Ok. I won't be late 6) What would you like to drink? a) I will have lemonade, please b) I am going to have lemonade, please 7) Has Garry decided what to do when he leaves school? a) Yes. Everything is planned. He will have a holiday.  b) Yes. Everything is planned. He is going to have a holiday. 8) There is someone at the door a) I am going to go and see who it is b) I will go and see who it is 9) When the weather is fine a) we are going to probably have a picnic in our garden. b) we will probably have a picnic in our garden.  10) This letter is in German, and I don't speak German. Can you help me? a) Sure, I will translate it for you b) Sure, I am going to translate it for you


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