1) _____ he _____ English at the moment? a) Does ... studies b) Does ... study c) Is ... studying 2) _____ you watch the news every morning? a) Does b) Are c) Do 3) _____ he wearing black clothes today? a) Are b) Does c) Is 4) Does she usually _____ on weekends? a) study b) studies c) studying 5) _____ you looking for your mom? a) Do b) Are c) Am 6) Does he _____ how to play football? a) know b) knowing c) knows 7) My brother can't talk on the phone now. He ______________. a) is driving b) drive c) drives 8) He _____ know how to play chess. a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't 9) I usually _____ to school by bike. a) going b) go c) goes 10) She ________ new red shoes today. a) wears b) are wearing c) is wearing

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