oxidation - occurs when oxygen is added to an element or a compound, alkali - a soluble base, base - a substance that will react with acid to form only salt and water, neutralisation reaction - reaction in which a base or alkali reacts with an acid, salt - A compound formed by neutralisation of an acid by a base., precipitate - Insoluble product formed in a precipitation reaction, hazard symbol - a symbol used on containers that warns people about the dangers of the contents, reactant - substance used up in a chemical reaction, product - substance formed by a chemical reaction, compound - a substance containing two or more elements chemically joined together, element - a substance that cannot be split into simpler substances, atom - the smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction, chemical formula - a combination of symbols and numbers that show how many atoms of different kinds are in a particular molecule,

Chemical Reaction Match-Up

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