1) ... did you eat for dinner last night? Pizza. a) What b) When c) Where 2) ... did you watch a film? At the cinema. a) What b) When c) Where 3) ... did Kate have lunch yesterday? At 7 o'clock. a) What b) When c) Where 4) ... did Kevin learn at school yesterday? Maths. a) What b) When c) Where 5) ... did they go on holiday? England. a) What b) When c) Where 6) ... did you go on holiday? Last month. a) What b) When c) Where 7) ... did you do at the weekend? We played football. a) What b) When c) Where 8) ... did you go in summer? To the beach. a) What b) When c) Where 9) ... did you do your homework? After school. a) What b) When c) Where

Past Simple questions. What/When/Where


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