1) Who created the world and everything in it? 2) Finish this verse--In the beginning.... 3) Finish this verse--No one can serve..... 4) Everybody freeze for 30 seconds 5) Who died for our sins? 6) Did Jesus ever sin? 7) Name one of the plagues that God sent to Egypt. 8) Stand on one foot for 10 seconds. 9) Give 2 people a hug. 10) Jump up and down for 30 seconds 11) Who is in charge of the church? 12) Spin in 1 circle 13) High Five your teacher 14) Is the Bible True? 15) Jump up and down for 10 seconds 16) Squat down into the tiniest ball you can for 10 seconds 17) Sit down cross cross apple sauce 18) Make a circle with your class, hold hands and squeeze in to make a small circle. Keep holding hands and stretch to the biggest circle you can while holding hands 19) Finish this verse...for the Lord knows the way of the righteous..... 20) Finish this verse...Fear not, for I am with you. 21) Build the tallest tower you can with blocks in 30 seconds 22) Squat down to a tiny ball and jump straight up as high as you can go 5 times 23) Whisper who made you? 24) Who died on the cross for your sin? 25) Say this month's bible verse in a whisper voice 26) Sit down criss cross apple sauce and close your eyes for 15 seconds 27) Look around the room to clean it up. Look under tables, throw trash away, put crayons away, put chairs under tables 28) Thank your teachers for leading you tonight


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