1) They don't __________ on Fridays. a) work b) works c) worked d) working 2) John __________ his car every weekend. a) wash b) washes c) washed d) washing 3) I __________ my face in the morning. a) wash b) washes c) washed d) washing 4) Sam __________ in a bank. a) worked b) works c) working d) work 5) You __________ English a) speaks b) spoke c) speak d) speaking 6) __________ he watch news before he goes to school? a) Do b) Does c) Did d) Doing 7) Amie __________ to study. a) need b) needed c) needs d) needing 8) My father __________ his car to work. a) driving b) drive c) drives d) drove 9) John and Paul ___________ eat breakfast on school days. a) not b) doesn't c) didn't d) don't 10) ___________ she play tennis on the weekends? a) Do b) Did c) Does d) Doing 11) Mark ___________ vanilla ice cream. a) like b) likes c) liked d) liking 12) She ___________ in Bangkok. a) live b) lived c) living d) lives 13) My best friend ___________ to me every week. a) writing b) writes c) write d) wrote 14) ___________they go to school by bus? a) Do b) Did c) Does d) Doing 15) The students ___________ a lot of homework. a) had b) have c) having d) has 16) What time ___________ the shops open? a) doing b) did c) do d) does 17) I ___________ to school at 7:30. a) go b) goes c) going d) went 18) Sombat ___________ to school by taxi. a) going b) went c) go d) goes 19) They ___________ play basketball every day. a) don't b) doesn't c) didn't 20) When ___________ the flight arrive? a) do b) did c) does d) done

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