1) They __ to Manchester tomorrow. a) will drive b) are going to drive c) are driving 2) I hope the weather __ nice. a) will be b) is going to be c) is being 3) I think Tommy __ the job. a) will take b) is going to take c) is taking 4) You should take your umbrella. The sky is grey so it __. a) will probably rain b) is probably going to rain c) is probably raining 5) They __ football this evening. a) will play b) are going to play c) are playing 6) I promise I __ anyone about this. a) won't tell b) am not going to tell c) am not telling 7) [phone starts to ring] I __ it! a) will get b) am going to get c) am getting 8) He __ tomorrow. He has decided to put the trip off some months. a) won't leave b) is not going to leave c) is not leaving

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