1) Name the song Snow White sings at the wishing well. a) "Wish Upon a Star" b) "I'm Wishing" c) "Uttle Ducie Dadde* d) "The Mulberry Bush" 2) The Wicked Queen is extremely jealous of Snow White's Beauty and instructs whom to kill her? a) Woodland animals b) Doc c) The Magic Mirror d) Humber 3) Can Dopey Talk? a) Yes b) No c) He doesn't know, he never tried! 4) Which of the Dwards has white eyebrows? a) Happy b) Grumpy c) Doc d) Dopey 5) Which of the Dwarfs wears glasses? a) Bashful b) Doc c) Sorezy d) Sieepy 6) Which of the Dwarfs is bothered by a fly? a) Bashful b) Sleepy c) Grumpy d) Dopey 7) What type of pie does Snow White offer to bake? a) cherry pie b) apple pie c) gooseberry pie d) pecan pie 8) How does the Queen get Snow White to eat the apple? a) by asking nicely b) its dipped in caramel c) by calling it a magic wishing apple d) leaves it on the counter 9) Who helps Snow White clean the cottage? a) The Magic Mirror b) Grumpy c) Doc d) Woodland animals 10) What type of flower is Sneezy allergic to? a) goldenrod b) violet c) red rose d) daisy 11) Which Dwarf does not have a beard? a) Sneezy b) Bashful c) Happy d) Dopey 12) Which Dwarf refuses to wash up for dinner? a) Bashful b) Grumpy c) Dopey d) Sleepy 13) What or whom does the Wicked Oueen address when she is concerned aboat her own beauty? a) Dopey b) Hamber c) Woodland animals d) The Magic Mintor 14) According to the Queen's spell, what is the only way in which Snow White can be saved after tasting the apple? a) by pricking her finger b) with love's first kiss c) blow on a dandelion d) fall asleep for 20 years 15) How do the Dwarfs dispose of the witch after they discover what she has done to Snow White? a) eat her for dinner b) burn down her castle c) chase her off a rocky ledge d) send a lion after her

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Trivia


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