1) What is the main ide? Miss Kate and Jess went to look for Pokemon. First, they found a Pikachu. Next, they found a charmander. There was even an Ekans hiding in a cave! What a great day.   a) Pikachu is cute. b) Pokemon are hard to find. c) Pokemon stick together. d) Miss Kate and Jess found a lot of pokemon. 2) What is the main idea? One day, Jim was out taking a walk. All of the sudden, he heard a noise. Under a bush, he saw a beautiful dog. He called her, and realized that she had two puppies! He brought them back to his house to wash them up. Miss Joy said, "OH no Jim! Three dogs?!" But Jim said, "Please mom, pleaaase?" "Fine", she agreed, and they went to the pet store to get them lots of food and toys.   a) Dogs are a lot of work to take care of. b) Jim found some dogs and got to keep them!  c) Dogs are not good pets. d) It's easy to find dogs in bushes. 3) What is the main idea? Pete and Jeffrey had a sleep over. They played playstation and watched movies. Pete's mom got them pizza. They got to stay up late. They played Pokemon and dinosaurs. The next morning, Jeffrey went home.  a) Playstation is cool. b) Jeffrey had to go home. c) Jeffrey and Pete had fun at their sleepover. d) At a sleepover you eat pizza.

Main Idea


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