1) Exercise is .... a) bad for our body. b) good for our body. 2) Before exercising we must ... a) eat something b) cool down our muscles c) warm up muscles 3) If we exercise outside in the summer we must ... a) eat ice cream b) eat lots of chocolate c) put on some suncream 4) It's important to .... our head when we ride a bike. a) protect  b) move c) shake 5) When we exercise we must put on ... a) a coat b) special clothes c) mittens 6) When we go rollerscating we must put on ... a) a scarf b) a hat c) knee and elbow pads 7) To protect our head we need a ... a) warm hat b) cap c) helmet 8) When we go swimming we need ... a) goggles b) glasses c) gloves 9) When we finish exercising we must ... a) eat our lunch b) cool down our muscles c) read a comic

PU2 U2 Let's be healthy


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