1) We use A/An when we talk about jobs. ( for example: a doctor) a) True b) False 2) We use The when something is mentioned for the first time. a) True b) False, we use A,An 3) We use zero article with words: Years, months, days. (for example: I was born in 2008.) a) True b) False 4) We use zero article when we talk about for the second time. (for example: Dog that I saw earlier was brown.) a) False, we use The b) True 5) We use zero article with certain phrases like: at home/school, in bed, at university, on holiday. ( for example: Yesterday I stayed at home. a) False b) True 6) When we are talking about universe we use the article The. (for example: The universe is unpredictable.) a) False b) True 7) What article we use when we are talking about something unique? a) The b) A/An c) Zero article 8) We use zero article with:(high) blood pressure, flu, gout, hepatitis.  a) True b) False 9) When we talk about these illnesses: a cold, a headache, a sore throat, we always use The. a) True b) False, we use A/An 10) We use The with the group of islands. (for example: The Philipines.) a) True b) False



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