to - The neighbours had a party last night and we didn't get ___ sleep till about 3am., up - I stayed ___ to watch the boxing last night - it started just after midnight., through - Our daughter still doesn't sleep ___ the night - she always wakes up at least once., into - She went to bed exhausted and immediately fell ___ a deep sleep., over - The review of his performance was far from complimentary, but he wasn't going to lose any sleep ___ it., on - I'm going to sleep ___ it tonight and I'll let you know my decision tomorrow., off - I couldn't tell you what happened - I nodded ___ just before the end of the film., from - A surprisingly high percentage of the population suffers ___ insomnia., soundly - She slept ___, not waking until morning., wide - What time is it? OMG! I cannot relax and I'm still feeling ___ awake.,


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