sitcom - A television series in which the same characters are involved in amusing situations in each show, a spoof horror film - A funny and silly movie that copies the style of an original work, political satire - A type of humour that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of current political issues, slapstick humour - A type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way, such as by throwing things, falling over, etc., dark / black humour - A form of humor involving a twist or joke making it seen as offensive, harsh, horrid but still funny, puerile lavatorial humour - Silly, childish jokes that refer to toilets or excretion, unintentional humour - The act of making other people laugh without actually meaning to, quirky, off-the-wall humour - Surprising and unusual in an attractive and interesting way, corny jokes - Showing no new ideas or too often repeated, and therefore not funny or interesting, laugh-out-loud funny - Very funny, especially in a way that makes you laugh so that people can hear you,

Comedy types



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