1) My mum ... at work yesterday. a) was b) were c) had 2) We ... Maths yesterday. a) was b) were c) had 3) I ... a bike last year. a) wasn't b) weren't c) didn't have 4) My family ... at the shopping mall yesterday. a) was b) had c) didn't have 5) My friend ... shy. He was friendly. a) had b) didn't have c) wasn't 6) My grandma ... brown hair when she was young. a) was b) were c) had 7) My grandpa ... white hair 30 years ago. a) was b) were c) didn't have 8) We ... a party last weekend. a) was b) were c) had 9) My aunt ... a car last year. a) was b) wasn't c) didn't have 10) They ... at the cinema last month. a) was b) were c) had 11) My friend ... a birthday last Sunday. a) was b) were c) had 12) My dad ... a dog. He had a cat. a) was b) were c) didn't have

FF3 Unit 12 Was, were, had


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