1) The protective canopy of the trees are located a) at the trunk of the tree b) on the branches c) at the top of the tree d) between the trunk and the first branch of the tree 2) llegal logging is NOT a huge problem in the Amazon rainforest. a) True b) Unknown c) False d) Only in the Summer 3) The forest is razed for planting. What does the word razed mean? a) burned to the ground b) uprooting all tree trunks c) cut off tree branches d) leveled to the ground 4) Which is NOT a major reason for deforestation? a) oil production b) racing c) mining d) logging 5) Plants provide materials needed to produce medicine. a) Sometimes b) True c) False d) Only when it rains 6) An astounding number of fruits and vegetables come from the rainforest, including a) citrus, tea, cashews, and cocoa b) bananas, avocados, spices, and apples c) citrus, tea, oil, and pineapples d) cashews, cocoa, vanilla, and strawberries 7) What type of tree grows almost exclusively in the Amazon? a) Soybean b) Pecan c) Brazil nut d) Hazel nut 8) Deforestation is.. a) helpful to the land b) removing the the top layer of dirt c) a process that creates more oxygen d) the removal of forests to use the land for other reasons 9) What is the most effecting land use in the amazon rain forest a) Farming b) Mermaid herding c) deforestation d) Cattle ranching 10) Deforestation effects animals a) False b) True c) Maybe 11) What are three land uses in the amazon a) Mining, cattle ranching, and fairy catching. b) Loging, deforestation, and farming c) Unicorn catching and dragon herding d) Mining, Cattle ranching, and animal catching 12) How does the rainforest affect people a) It gives us pizza b) It is pretty c) It provides oxygen d) It shows us exotic animals. 13) What country is the Amazon Rain Forest mostly located in? a) Columbia b) Bolivia c) Chile d) Brazil 14) Rainforests are in great risk of being a) bombed b) irrigated c) destroyed d) dried up 15) What is the term for the destruction of the rainforest? a) deforestation b) environmental understory destruction c) ecosystem damage d) canopy collapse


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