1) The colour of this fruit is orange a) Naranja b) Pera c) Manzana d) Uva e) Sandía f) Piña 2) The colour of this fruit is purple a) Pera b) Sandía c) Uva d) Piña e) Manzana f) Naranja 3) The colour of this fruit is red a) Sandía b) Manzana c) Pera d) Naranja e) Piña f) Uva 4) The colour of this fruit is green a) Mora b) Uva c) Banana d) Naranja e) Pera f) Manzana 5) The colour of this fruit is yellow a) Kiwi b) Sandía c) Guayaba d) Pera e) Mora f) Piña


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