1) Guess the country. Hint/fun fact: you can walk across this country in 40 days (402 miles): a) Jordan b) Egypt c) Israel d) Turkey 2) Guess the country. Hint/fun fact: this country is the world's 2nd largest coffee exporter: a) Brazil b) Taiwan c) Costa Rica d) Vietnam 3) This movie's music is based on one famous band. Where is this band originally from? a) Norway b) USA c) Italy d) Sweden 4) Guess the country: a) Russia b) Qatar c) Germany d) China 5) The Most Popular Holiday Destinations for the British people? a) Spain b) Italy c) Germany d) France 6) Guess the country. Hint/fun fact: this country has the third-highest number of volcanoes in the world a) Cambodia b) Thailand c) Sri Lanka d) Indonesia 7) Guess the country: a) Canada b) Australia c) South Africa d) Greece 8) Montevideo is the capital of... a) Paraguay b) Argentina c) Uruguay d) Peru 9) Guess the country. Hint/fun fact: this country has no UNESCO World Heritage Sites. a) Qatar b) Kuwait c) Iraq d) Lebanon 10) Guess the country. Hint/fun fact: there are 43 native languages spoken in this country a) Chile b) Ecuador c) Thailand d) Peru


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