1) Tom ... at the moment. Can I take a message for him? a) is working b) works c) are working 2) I often ... tennis on Sundays. a) plays b) am playing c) play 3) We ... on the Smith account this week. a) work b) are working c) works 4) We rarely ... out for dinner, but this week we ... out on Saturday a) are going / go b) go / are going c) go / go 5) He ... every word she says. a) are believing b) believes c) is believing 6) My sister ... up at 7o'clock and ... breakfast every day. a) gets / has b) is getting / is having c) get / have 7) Peter usually ... a lot of questions a) asks b) ask c) is asking 8) Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He ... the other answers. a) is knowing b) knows c) know 9) We ... a meeting in Chicago this weekend. a) attend b) are attending c) attends 10) She ... to purchase a new computer. a) is wanting b) want c) wants 11) I ... that this quiz is easy. a) am hoping b) hope c) is hoping 12) Janet ... breakfast at the moment. a) have b) has c) is having 13) My friends ... in a factory twenty miles from their apartment. a) both variants are correct b) work c) working 14) She ... ... about how much she hates her job. a) always complains b) always complain c) is always complaining 15) The children ... at the moment by the nanny. a) are being dressing b) are being dressed c) are dressing 16) He ... a magazine right now. a) reads b) is reading c) read 17) I detest him because he ... ... rude about people behind their backs. a) is always being b) is always c) has always 18) He ... at a hotel at the moment as his house is not ready. a) stay b) stays c) is staying

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