1) You can make ---------------------- a) apple pie b) honey bees c) sand d) winter 2) In winter we -------------- a snowman a) fall b) bring c) build d) watch 3) In the spring -------------------------------- a) He builds a snowman. b) He makes a swing. c) He drinks hot chocolate. d) He watches animals. 4) In fall, leaves -------------- on the ground. a) watch b) make c) build d) fall 5) we can ---------------- flowers and trees. a) build b) make c) grow d) fall 6) In windy weather we can ----------------------------. a) build a snowman b) swim c) go to the beach d) fly a kite 7) In spring we -----------------------------. a) plant flowers b) build a snowman c) watch the leaves fall d) watch the snow

G2 unit 8 vocab


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