In the morning I wake up at 7.40. Then I have ____ and I get dressed. I ____ home at 8.00 and I go to school on ____. School ____ at 8.20 and ____  at 1.20. I have ____ with my ____ at 1.30. In the ____ I do my ____ and then I go to the ____ and I play with my ____. At 5.30 I come back ____ and I have a ____. I have a sandwich and a ____. I wait for my parents to come back from ____ and at about 7.30 I help my ____ to cook  dinner. At 8.00 we have ____ all together. After dinner I ____ TV and at 10.00 I go to ____ because the day after I have to get  up early  to go to ____ again.

Albert's routine


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