The background information surrounding a subject. It illuminates the meaning and relevance of the text, and it could be something cultural, historical, social or political. - Context, The social ranking of groups within a society. Before World War Two, Britain was divided by class. Two such classes were the wealthy land and factory owners and the poor workers. - Social Hierarchy, The years of 1901 through 1919. Known for elegance and luxury among the rich and powerful in Britain but also for moral looseness and for a general failure to prepare for some of the challenges of the twentieth century - Edwardian Era, A drama that uses main characters as a representative of an idea to teach the audience of good conduct and character. - Morality Play, The year the play was written – after two long world wars! - 1945, The year of the Edwardian era in which the play was set. - 1912, People share economic resources fairly - Socialism, Motive to make money / profit - Capitalism, Small group of people in power - not elected - Oligarchy, The audience know something the characters do not. - Dramatic irony, Speaks for a group of people - Mouthpiece, Predicting future - Foreshadowing, lack of concern for others - Authoritarianism, selfless and cares for others - Altruism,

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