1) There aren`t any interesting films on TV. There are ......................... on TV. 2) These shoes are too small for me. These shoes aren`t .................... for me. 3) Mike and I are both two metres tall. AS 4) We came here in December. SINCE 5) Tom is a very good painter. Tom paints .................... 6) This is such a nice song. SO 7) This exercise isn`t easy enough for me. This exercise is .................... for me. 8) Why don`t we ask someone? How ....................? 9) How much is this blouse? COST 10) When did they take these photos? When were ..................... ? 11) They grow coffee in Brazil. Coffee .................... in Brazil. 12) We were swimming in the sea. It started to rain. WHILE 13) I haven`t got enough money. I can`t buy this house. If I had enough money, I .................... this house. 14) You should go to the doctor. If I were you, I .................... to the doctor. 15) Please don`t give my pets any sweets. You .................... my pets any sweets. 16) How much water have we got? .................... bottles of water have we got? 17) Mary is more intelligent than any othet student in her class. Mary is ....................in her class. 18) I`m sure that isn`t my bag. I`m sure that bag .................... 19) I met my best friend five years ago. I`ve known my best friend .................... 20) I haven`t read such an interesting book before. This is .................... I`ve ever read.

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