1) She _______________ her homework yesterday at three o'clock a) did b) was did c) was doing d) were doing 2) Who ______________ your parnter last lesson? a) was b) were c) is d) does 3) He usually _____________ at 6 o'clock every morning a) woke up b) wakes up c) is waking up d) did wake up 4) My sister _______________ at the moment a) works b) was working c) workes d) is working 5) Tim _______________ tennis two hours ago a) was played b) played c) was playing d) plays 6) I _____________ sport after school a) doesn't play b) didn't play c) don't play d) isn't play 7) My mum sometimes ______________ at the weekend. a) made pzza b) is making pizza c) was maing pizza d) makes pizza 8) Helen ______________ to the dentist today. a) goes b) does go c) is going d) went 9) I ___________ lunch when my friends called me a) was having b) had c) have d) has 10) What ________ after school last Friday? a) do you do b) do you did c) does you do d) did you do

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