1) I love hot chocolate. a) So am I. b) Neither do I. c) Neither love I. d) So do I. 2) I'll go shopping on Saturday. a) So will I. b) So do I. c) So am I. d) Neither will I. 3) I love the Game of Thrones books. a) So will I. b) So do I. c) So am I. d) Neither will I. 4) I didn't go to drama club last night. a) Neither have I. b) Neither will I. c) Neither did I. d) Neither am I. 5) I was a bit late this morning. a) So was I. b) Neither was I. c) So have I. d) So had I. 6) Olivia's a good chess player. a) Neither am I. b) So is her brother. c) So do I. d) So will I. 7) I've never been to Rome. a) So am I. b) Neither am I. c) Oh, I have. d) So will I. 8) I can't speak Spanish. a) Neither can I. b) Neither do I. c) Neither must I. d) So can I. 9) I don't eat much junk food. a) So am I. b) So do I. c) So will I. d) Oh, I do. 10) She's been to the UK twice. a) So will I. b) So have I. c) So can I. d) So am I.

Agreement/Disagreement - So/Neither... 1


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