Our house has different modern conveniences like ____, ____ ____, ____, ____ and ____ running water.When there are a lot of dirty clothes we use our washing ____. Mom usually asks me to turn on our ____ machine. I like going to the bath. In our flat we have hot and cold ____ ____. But, when I was at my granny's country house I didn't like to go to bath because there is no ____ running water in her house. When we need to clean the carpet I usualy ____ ____ our ____ ____. It is very easy to use it. I like to help my parents about the house. I know that you need to always ____ ____ the water when you brush your teeth. When you leave the room you should turn the lights off to save (сэкономить) ____. In summer the ____ ____ doesn't work. It is ____ in summer. And in autumn, winter and spring it is always ____. Central heating helps us to keep warm.Modern conveniences help us a lot!


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