1) He ____________ to be a dishonest person. a) is appearing b) appears 2) You __________ a pie in the kitchen. a) are tasting b) taste 3) He_____________ sick today. a) feels b) is feeling 4) You __________ happy. a) aren't looking b) don't look 5) I ___________ the project is great. a) am thinking b) think 6) My dad ___________ about going to Spain next summer. a) is thinking b) thinks 7) All famous actors ___________ in this film next week. a) are appearing b) appear 8) The soup _________ spicy. a) tastes b) is tasting 9) My dog ____________ our new cat. a) smells b) is smelling 10) They ___________ at the picture in the gallery/ a) are looking b) look 11) This dish __________ nice. a) smells b) is smelling

dynamic and state verbs


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