1) She ___ take an exam tomorrow at 12 o'clock. a) will b) is going to  c) are going to  2) I ____ visit Paris next week. a) am going to  b) will c) is going to  3) They ____ get a new computer. a) will b) are going to c) is going to 4) I think my mum _____ like this movie. a) is going to b) are going to c) will 5) Just a minute. I ___ help you with the bags. a) am going to b) will c) won't 6) Why are you holding a piece of paper? - I _____ write a letter to my friends . a) will b) am going to c) is going to 7) After I graduate the university, I _____ work in New York. a) will b) am going to c) is going to 8) I think she ____ help us with homework. a) is going to b) are going to c) will 9) ___ we use the cars in the future? - I don't think so. a) Will b) Are we going to 10) What _____ you ____ do after lesson? a) are you going to b) will c) is going to 11) ____ you _____ read all these books? - No, I'm not.I haven't got enough time. a) Are you going to b) Will 12) Who ___ help me with cooking?  a) will b) is going to c) are going to


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