1) Why was Henry Cooper chosen for the assignment? a) He was very good looking. b) He was known for his sense of humor. c) He was known for always telling the truth. d) He had relatives on the moon. e) He was an astronaut. f) He agreed to do it for less money. 2) What did the people on Earth demand? a) more money. b) to work 4 days a week. c) to travel to the moon. d) to become famous. e) to meet Henry Cooper. f) more roads and more schools. 3) What were they complaining about? a) the noise and pollution on the cities. b) not enough T.V programs. c) the crime level in the country. d) The government was spending billions on space programs. e) the bad weather. f) the money the government gave to rich people. 4) The Chief Administrator told Cooper he could.... a) go wherever he wants and ask whatever he likes. b) stay at his place as a house guest. c) use the spaceship to visit other planets. d) see how tired he was. e) enjoy the fresh air on the moon. f) tell him all his secrets. 5) After a few days, Cooper became suspicious because.... a) whenever people saw him, they started whispering... b) People were following him everywhere. c) They sent another reporter to the Moon. d) he heard ghost stories. e) people didn't answer his questions. f) he met the president of the Moon. 6) He decided to share his suspicions with.... a) the Chief Administrator. b) the Chief of Police, Chandra Coomaraswamy. c) the United Nations Space Administration (UNSA) d) his best friend, Jack. e) the citizens of the Moon. f) the people on Earth. 7) Cooper felt the people in ...... have a secret they were trying to hide. a) the Moon Spaceport b) UNSA c) police force d) Moon hotel e) the car that followed him f) Medical Research 8) How was Cooper's last visit to the Moon different? a) The people were friendly and shared their stories. b) The people were silent and said nothing. c) The people were angry at him for coming. d) The people were afraid of him. e) The people wanted him to stay there. f) The people offered him a job at the Moon's newspaper. 9) The Medical Research Director.... a) was a funny man who told great jokes. b) was very angry at everyone. c) didn't know a thing about science. d) was very old and hardly moved. e) was very helpful and calm. f) was trying to avoid Cooper. 10) Candra told Cooper that 3 doctors in Medical Research.... a) won the Nobel Prize. b) have died. c) disappeared. d) had nervous breakdowns. e) helped him solve a case. f) told him the secret. 11) People on Earth.... a) were begging to get to the Moon. b) thought that living on the Moon was great! c) didn't want to move to the Moon. d) were happy to spend money on the Moon. e) weren't good enough to live on the Moon. f) spent hours looking at the Moon. 12) When Cooper met Dr. Hastings, he looked.... a) like a basketball player. b) angry and dangerous. c) bored and tired. d) excited and happy. e) worried and unhappy. f) young and energetic. 13) The Police Chief told Dr. Hastings that the only way to keep Cooper quiet is.... a) to kill him. b) to send him back to Earth. c) to tell him everything. d) to send him to jail. e) to make him disappear. f) to pay him a lot of money. 14) What was special about the hamster Dr. Hastings showed Cooper? a) It lived a lot longer than hamsters on Earth. b) It ate all the other hamsters. c) It was 50 years old. d) It was very heavy and weighed 65 kg. e) It was very aggressive. f) It had unusual colors. 15) Cooper thought that Dr. Hastings.... a) had a nervous breakdown. b) was lying. c) had a great team of doctors. d) must return to Earth. e) was a very intelligent person. f) had found a way to prolong life. 16) The hamsters live longer on the Moon because.... a) the air they breath is not polluted. b) there is less gravity on the Moon. c) the air and water are much better. d) they feed them better than on Earth. e) the Moon is magical. f) they are more relaxed on the Moon. 17) People who live on the Moon can.... a) enjoy looking at the hamsters. b) fly in the air. c) live forever. d) live for 200 years. e) make a lot of money. f) send hamsters to Earth. 18) Why should they keep it a secret? a) It is worth a lot of money. b) They don't want all the people from Earth to move to the Moon. c) They promised not to tell anyone. d) They want everyone to move to the Moon. e) The Moon is very big and there's lots of space for everyone. f) To protect the people at the Medical Research Building. 19) What is the situation on Earth? a) It is clean and beautiful. b) People are relaxed and smiling all day long. c) People can live forever on Earth. d) Everyone will die within a month. e) It is very crowded and polluted. f) Earth is going to explode. 20) What do people need in order to live on the Moon? a) They need their good health. b) They need friends. c) They need the technology and money from Earth. d) They need jungles and oceans. e) They need hamsters that live for a long time. f) They need to be good students.

Keep Thinking - The Secret - Dina Shterengas


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