1) FOR 1 POINT - What does the long profile of a river represent? 2) FOR 1 POINT - What does the cross profile of a river represent? 3) FOR 2 POINTS - How will the cross profiles of a river in the upper & lower course of a river differ? 4) FOR 2 POINTS - Name 4 different types of fluvial erosion 5) FOR 3 POINTS - Name 4 different ways material is transported in a river 6) FOR 2 POINTS - Can you name 2 landforms formed by erosion 7) FOR 3 POINTS - Can you name a landform created by erosion and deposition? 8) FOR 1 POINT - Can you name a landform created by deposition? 9) FOR 3 POINTS - Can you name a landform along the River Tees and explain how it is formed? 10) FOR 2 POINTS - What physical factors can increase the risk of flooding? 11) FOR 2 POINTS - What human factors can cause flooding? 12) FOR 3 POINTS - Can you describe the shape of a hydrograph for a river that is likely to flood and explain why. 13) FOR 1 POINT -What is hard engineering? 14) FOR 1 POINT -What is soft engineering? 15) FOR 3 POINTS - Give an advantage and disadvantage of a named hard engineering strategy. 16) FOR 3 POINTS - Give and advantage and disadvantage of a named soft engineering strategy. 17) FOR 1 POINT -Can you name a flood management scheme that has been used along the River Tees? 18) FOR 2 POINTS - Can you explain why the Tees Barrage was needed? 19) FOR 3 POINTS - Can you explain the benefits of the Tees Barrage (social, economic, environmental) 20) FOR 3 POINTS - Can you explain any problems caused by the Tees Barrage (social, economic, environmental)

GCSE rivers revison quiz


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