1) ... 10 speakers at the conference. a) There is b) There are 2) ... a big project for the marketing department. a) There is b) There are 3) ... 5 people in our team. a) There is b) There are 4) ... an opening of a new restaurant this week. a) There is b) There are 5) ... two flights to Krakow this week. a) There is b) There are 6) ... a big conference hall at the hotel. a) There is b) There are 7) ... two meetings with new clients this Monday. a) There is b) There are 8) ... a problem with my plane tickets. a) There is b) There are 9) ... some changes in our plan. a) There is b) There are 10) ... some free shuttle buses available. a) There is b) There are

BE There is / are


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