1) Where is the cat? It is................ a) In front b) Behind c) Between 2) Where is the cat? It is ............... a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 3) Where is the lion? It is ................... a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 4) Where is the doll? It is.................... a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 5) Where is the dog? It is................... a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 6) Where is the TV? It is .................... a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 7) Where is the laptop ? It is............. a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 8) Where is the ball ? It is................ a) In front of b) Behind c) Between 9) Where is the girl ? She is ............. a) In front of b) Behind c) Between


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