1) Communication between people. a) APPRECIATION b) CONSIDERATION c) INTERACTION 2) Rules of acceptable behaviour for writing blog posts,etc a) DIPLOMACY b) APPRECIATION c) POLITENESS 3) The position that someone has in an organization, society, etc. a) ETIQUETTE b) RANK c) NETIQUETTE 4) The quality of being sensitive to others and thinking about their feelings. a) CONSIDERATION b) RUDENESS c) POLITENESS 5) The skill of dealing with people in difficult situations without upsetting them. a) TRADITION b) POLITENESS c) DIPLOMACY 6) Rules for behaviour in society. a) ETIQUETTE b) NETIQUETTE c) POLITENESS 7) Good manners and respect for others. a) POLITENESS b) RUDNESS c) ETIQUETTE 8) Enjoyment from something that is good quality a) NETIQUETTE b) ETIQUETTE c) INTERACTION 9) A belief or way of doing something which has existed for some time. a) INTERACTION b) TRADITION c) NETIQUETTE 10) Bad manners and a lack of respect for others. a) RUDNESS b) POLITENESS c) DIPLOMACY



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