It's important not to..., I like dark ..., I have a dream that ..., Two days ago, I came down this street and ..., Nobody could stop me from ..., In an ideal world..., Nobody likes... , I love watching ..., I really hope that... , My favorite ..., One day I am going to ..., When I went to the zoo ..., He was happy because ..., When I'm alone, I like to..., My mom said ..., Playing football is ..., The world would be a better place if..., Sometimes I don't have time for breakfast. Therefore ..., I always try to be careful. Nevertheless, ..., Why do people...?, I'm thankful for..., Friday nights are ..., Sunday mornings are ..., Today looks like a good day to..., I'm tired, but ..., I don't know what ..., Chocolate is ..., I can never stop smiling when..., Every time I look at the sky, I think..., Next time I will ....

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