Utterson goes on a walk with his friend, Enfield. They spot a door and Enfield tells Utterson the story of Hyde trampling a small child. Hyde paid off the girl’s family with a cheque signed by Jekyll., Utterson decides to meet Hyde. Utterson struggles to describe Hyde’s appearance but finds him ugly., Jekyll is first introduced. He and Utterson discuss how Jekyll is not friends with Dr Lanyon anymore as they disagree about science. Jekyll asks Utterson to look after Hyde if anything happens to Jekyll. Utterson reluctantly agrees., A year later, a maid witnesses Hyde kill Sir Danvers Carew brutally. The murder weapon is a cane which is broken – half is left at the scene and the other half is found in Hyde’s house in Soho. A letter addressed to Utterson is found on Carew’s body. Hyde disappears., Jekyll becomes more friendly again. He has a dinner party with Utterson. Poole (Jekyll’s butler) shows Utterson a note from Hyde to Jekyll saying he’s leaving – it is odd because no one delivered the note and there is no stamp. Utterson returns home and then receives a dinner invite from Jekyll. His butler, Mr Guest, a handwriting expert, says that the two sets of writing are very similar., Utterson goes to visit Dr Lanyon. He is very ill. He says he’s had a shock which he won’t recover from. He doesn’t want to talk about Jekyll. 2 weeks later, he dies., Utterson and Enfield walk – they see Jekyll in a window. All of a sudden, Jekyll’s face changes expression and he slams the window shut. They walk off stunned..

J&H Plot


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