1) If it rains, the boys __________________ hochey. a) won't play b) wouldn't play c) would not have played 2) If he __________ his own vegetables, he wouldn't have to buy them. a) grow b) grew c) had grown 3) Jim______________ whisky distilleries if he travelled to Scotland. a) will see b) would see c) would have seen 4) Would you go out more often if you______________ so much in the house. a) don't have to do b) didn't have to do c) hadn't had to do 5) She wouldn't have yawned the whole day if she ___________________ late last night. a) doesn't stay up b) didn't stay up c) hadn't stayed up 6) If you _________ a minute, I'll come with you.  a) wait b) waited c) had waited 7) If we arrived at 10, we __________________ Tyler's presentation. a) will miss b) would miss c) would have missed 8) We ________________________ John if we'd known about his problem.  a) will help b) would help c) would have helped 9) If they ________________ new batteries, their camera would have worked correctly. a) use b) used c) had used 10) If I could go anywhere, it ____________________ New Zealand. a) will be b) would be c) would have been

First, Second and Third Conditional


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