1) Which of these is NOT one of the major cradles of civilisation? a) Ancient Egypt b) Ancient Sumer c) Indus Valley d) Greek Empire e) Shang China 2) What period of history in Britain matches most closely with the Ancient Egyptian period? a) Bronze Age b) Modern Britain c) Medieval d) Victorian 3) What important feature allowed the first civilisations to develop? a) Mountains b) Beaches c) Rivers d) Cities 4) What river was at the centre of Ancient Egypt? a) Thames b) Nile c) Amazon d) Arun 5) What did scribes do in Ancient Egypt? a) Farming b) Recording things in writing c) Building pyramids d) Pottery 6) What was the name of the stone which helped historians work out what hieroglyphs mean? a) Tomb stone b) Rosetta stone c) Rolling stone d) Pyramid stone 7) Why were Egyptian pharaohs buried with grave goods? a) They were things people thought would be useful in the afterlife b) In case they were not actually dead c) To keep them same from robbers d) Because nobody else wanted them 8) What great monument was built in Egypt at about the same time as Stonehenge in England? a) The River Nile b) The Great Pyramid c) The Temple of Luxor d) The Great Wall of Chine 9) When did Howard Carter uncover Tutankhamun's hidden tomb? a) 130 BCE b) 43 AD c) 410 AD d) 1922 AD 10) Which of these factors might have caused the decline of Ancient Egypt and other civilisations? a) Drought b) Famine c) Earthquakes d) Invaders e) Floods

Ancient Egypt quiz


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