1) She ..... to school by bus. a) goes b) go c) going 2) They..... in a flat in London. a) lives b) live c) living 3) I ..... to school on foot. a) going b) go c) goes 4) I ..... my homework in the afternoon. a) doing b) does c) do 5) ..... you like playing basketball? a) Did b) Do c) Does 6) We ..... watch TV every night. a) don't b) doesn't c) didn't 7) She ..... TV in the evening. a) watch b) watchs c) watches 8) Monica..... to work. a) drives b) drive c) driving 9) They ..... wear a uniform at school. a) does b) don't c) doesn't 10) ......Jim live in New York? a) Do b) Are c) Does


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