1. Gelada females decide where the group goes next; in a ____ way, elephants have a matriarchal structure. 2.____ geladas, female elephants have more status than male elephants. 3. Humans prefer cooperation to conflict. ____, apes would rather work together than fight. 4. ____ angry humans yell at each other, angry apes hit each other with sticks. 1. Male elephants form close bonds, ____ researchers in the past didn't know this. 2. Male geladas are large ____ to females. 3. Humans, ____ other primates, have the power of language. 4. In ____ to other primate species, humans wear clothes. 1. The roles of women and men are ____ in many ways. 2. In this culture, the social status of men and women ____ for many reasons. 3. Men spend more time doing outdoor activities, ____ women spend more time indoors. 4. In ____ to previous generations, women are earning equal pay in this industry.

19A Expressions for comparison


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