To clearly indicate what the research is about. - Title, Help the reader quickly locate different sections of a report. - Table of Contents, Gives a brief overview of the research covered in the report. Helps the reader decide if the report is of interest to them or not. - Abstract, To introduce the thesis statement/research question and provide background information. - Introduction, Examining and evaluating previous research on the topic and positioning the current research within that framework. - Literature Review, To clearly and concisely describe the methods used to carry out the research. - Methodology, Report the significant findings from the research. - Results, Interpretation and evaluation of the research results - Discussion, Provides a response to the research question/thesis statement outlined in the introduction. Summarises the key points from the discussion. - Conclusion, To suggest future actions based on the research discussion and conclusions. - Recommendations, To list the full bibliographical details of works cited in the report. - Reference List, Place to put information relevant to the research that does not belong in the body of the report. For example: questionnaires, raw data. - Appendices,

ACRS2: W5 Research Report


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