1) Which CDV does this describe?  Each person has the right to the protection of his or her life. a) life b) liberty c) pursuit of happiness d) justice e) popular sovereignty 2) Which CDV does this describe? All people should be treated fairly by the legal system.  a) life b) liberty c) pursuit of happiness d) justice e) popular sovereignty f) common good 3) What CDV does this describe?  Respect and devotion to our country a) pursuit of happiness b) patriotism c) justice d) popular sovereignty e) liberty f) common good 4) What CDV does this describe? The power of government comes from the people a) popular sovereignty b) justice c) patriotism d) pursuit of happiness e) common good f) liberty 5) What CDV does this describe? Working together for the good of all a) life b) diversity c) liberty d) common good e) popular sovereignty f) truth 6) What CDV does this describe? The government should not lie to any person or other government a) liberty b) life c) truth d) diversity e) popular sovereignty f) common good 7) What CDV does this describe?  Everyone should be treated the same a) equality b) life c) liberty d) diversity e) popular sovereignty f) common good 8) What CDV does this describe? Freedom of speech, religion, press… a) life b) liberty c) truth d) pursuit of happiness e) popular sovereignty f) common good 9) What CDV does this describe? We accept all differences between people a) truth b) common good c) diversity d) life e) popular sovereignty f) liberty 10) What CDV does this describe? Each person can pursue what they want as long as no one loses their rights a) common good b) truth c) life d) pursuit of happiness e) popular sovereignty f) liberty 11) What type of government is this? Government run by a small group of people a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship 12) What type of government is this? Government run by a dictator, typically has absolute power a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship 13) What type of government is this? Government where ALL citizens have a say a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship 14) What type of government is this? Government based upon religion a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship 15) What type of government is this? Government of elected leaders a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship 16) What type of government is this? Government typically run by a king or queen a) republic b) theocracy c) democracy d) monarchy e) oligarchy f) dictatorship

Core Democratic Values and Types of Government Review


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