1) 1. My dad was ... angry that I knew I'd better disappear for a while. a) such b) so c) such a 2) The journey was ... long that we wanted to return. a) such b) so c) such a 3) They were ... beautiful earrings that I decided I had to get them. a) such b) so c) such a 4) It was ... windy that they couldn't stand up! a) such b) so c) such a 5) The film was ... boring! a) such b) so c) such a 6) She had ... bad headache that she went to lie down for a while. a) such b) so c) such a 7) It was .... lovely party. a) such b) so c) such a 8) The water in the rivers is ... dirty. a) such b) so c) such 9) He sings ... well. a) such a b) so c) such 10) There were ... many people at the conference. a) such b) so c) such a 11) There were ... a lot of people on the train. a) such b) so c) such a 12) Tom runs ... quickly. a) such b) so c) such a

So / Such


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