1) Anna and Maria _______ going to school a) are b) is 2) Brad and I _____ applying for a new job a) am b) are 3) We ______ studying yesterday a) are b) was c) were 4) I _________ playing the violin last night, when Mandy called. a) was b) were c) am 5) They ________ always complaining a) are b) is c) were 6) She ________ happy to be here a) are b) is 7) It ________ loudly playing a weird tune. a) is b) was c) does d) are 8) Dad __________ working a lot a) is b) were 9) You __________ never knowing. a) are b) will c) both are incorrect.  10) I ________ talking to my boss a) were b) am c) are


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