1) Yesterday, my mom .... to the supermarket. a) go b) goed c) went d) will go 2) I .... a dinosaur yesterday. a) see b) seed c) saw d) will see 3) He .... to school by car. a) go b) goes c) went d) wented 4) Just an hour ago, I........ a hamburger a) eat b) ate c) eated d) will eat 5) They ........ English in USA. a) spoke b) speak c) spoken d) will speak 6) last weekend, the boys ..... football. a) played b) play c) plaied d) will play 7) Two days ago, we ...... Science. a) studied b) study c) studyied d) will study 8) He ........ every morning. a) swims b) swim c) swam d) swum 9) Yesterday, I ...... go to the cinema. a) not b) don't c) didn't d) do 10) It usually ........ every day here. a) rain  b) rains c) rained d) will rain

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