1) Which is LOWERCASE? a) b) 2) Which is a STRONG Password? a) Do NOT include anything personal b) bR4v3H34rT# c) Date of Birth d) A mixture of UPPERCASE, lowercase, numbers and symbols e) Never share f) Write it down 3) Which is Save As and NOT Save a) Changes the filename b) There is no difference c) Saves my work with a new filename d) Saves work with an existing filename e) Renames the file 4) How can I tell what an icon does? a) Ask for help b) Click to see what happens c) Hover over with mouse d) Just ignore it 5) I can Save my work using; a) Portable Storage Device b) CD RW c) My own personal folder on the Hard Drive d) Cloud Storage e) Built-in ROM f) USB Flash Drive 6) Why is it important to have a back-up of our work? a) Portable so can take anywhere b) Computer crash c) Not important d) Computer breaks e) Virus infection f) Theft 7) What is RAM? a) Ready Access Memory b) Random Access Memory c) Memory that can be changed d) Allows users to store and retrieve information e) Protects against anybody accessing the Memory 8) Which is a HARDWARE device? a) b) c) d) e) f) 9) How can we keep our devices secure? a) Install Anti-virus Software b) Use only trusted sites c) Don't click on an unknown link d) Don't open emails from people you don't know e) Look for https when browsing the internet f) Allow anybody to use your device 10) How can we protect our Passwords? a) Tell your best friend b) Choose a password not easy to guess c) Never write it down d) Use a strong password e) Use different Passwords f) Never tell anyone 11) BIOS means.... a) Bio System b) Basic Input Operating Sytem c) Firmware that initialises my hardware and software (wakes it up!) d) Basic Input/Output System e) First software to run when a device is switched on 12) What does CPU mean? a) Computer Processing Unit b) Central Programming Unit c) Central Processing Unit d) It's the brains of the computer 13) What is the difference between Cut & Copy? a) Cut = cuts from page to be pasted anywhere b) Cut = moves the text when cut & pasted c) Copy = duplicates & can be pasted anywhere d) Copy = moves highlighted info to a different place e) Cut = deletes the information


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