The changing of the colour of the ____ leaves is a spectacular, ____, natural event in many forests around the world. The myriad of ____, reds, yellows, greens and browns provides a colourful canvas that ushers in the end of summer. This year in the USA, the autumn ____ has been adversely affected by ____ conditions. The vibrant colours of the leaves have been dulled by unusually dry weather. Over 80 per cent of America's northwest is undergoing ____ conditions that are not conducive to perfect foliage. The traditional autumnal ____ of Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island and New Hampshire are experiencing severe drought, and lacklustre colours. Dr. William Keeton, a forest ecology and forestry professor at the University of Vermont, explained why the adverse conditions were ____ this year. He said: "It is due to a combination of factors, including good tree ____ last year, mild drought and both ____ and ____ over the last month." He added: "The colours this year are coming about two weeks earlier than ____ and will probably go by fast and furiously. Largely, this is because the drought creates physiological stress for the ____." He warned: "The stress is not a good thing and may be a harbinger of things to come with ____. In terms of fall foliage, drought can cause the leaves to die and fall off earlier."


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