1) They will ____________ everyone into the room 15 minutes before the concert. a) admit b) advise c) circumnavigate 2) The teacher arranged the desks in a _____________________ so everyone could see the board. a) semiprivate b) circuit c) semicircle 3) It's a mile around the ____________________ of the field a) circumference b) circuit c) circumnavigate 4) The room ______________ in applause when the singer was finished. a) extended b) erupted c) interrupted 5) I hope we can ____________ our vacation for few days longer. a) admit b) circumnavigate c) extend 6) Despite the ________________ conditions, the roads were cleared of snow quickly. a) semiprivate b) adverse c) semiformal 7) A tuxedo is not required for a ________________ dance a) semiformal b) adverse c) semicircle 8) Magellan was the first explorer to __________________ the globe. a) advise b) circumference c) circumnavigate 9) The reporter said, "We __________________ this program for breaking news! a) erupt b) interrupt c) extend 10) If I don't study, I feel ________________ before my Caesar's English quiz. a) tension b) rupture c) adverse 11) Her mother was out of town and could not ________________ her as to what she should do. a) admit b) advise c) extend 12) The table in the restaurant is behind a screen and is ___________________. a) semiformal b) extend c) semiprivate 13) He started at the front gate and made a _______________ around the house to check for leaks. a) tension b) rupture c) circuit 14) Sloshing liquids can _______________ the walls of their containers and cause a mess. a) rupture b) admit c) circumnavigate 15) He tore his Achilles _______________ in his leg and was in a cast. a) tendon b) adverse c) rupture

Caesar's English XI Sentences


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