1) It's great for the people who can't wait long. a) book b) film 2) You really see how the character lived. a) book b) film 3) You can be the character. a) book b) film 4) They don't have descriptions in them. a) book b) film 5) With science-fiction stories it works excellent because of the special effects. a) book b) film 6) This is a story brought to life. a) book b) film 7) You become the author too because the story is different for different people. a) book b) film 8) They don't really give you time to think. a) book b) film 9) You lose half the story. a) book b) film 10) You really know what the character is thinking or feeling. a) book b) film 11) You play every role and feel every emotion. a) book b) film 12) Everything is already prepared for you. a) book b) film

Form 6. Unit 8. Books or films


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