1) "What do you do?" is a very common small talk question. a) Efficiency b) Action and work c) Future orientation 2) The "rule of law" in the Constitution (The US's most important law document) states that "No one is above the law." a) Equality b) Individualism c) Self-reliance 3) Both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college, but they became very successful. a) Directness and honesty b) Personal control and determination c) Individualism 4) Remote work has become much more common in the US after the pandemic. a) Informality b) Materialism c) Change 5) Private companies do everything they can to get the most customers. a) Efficiency b) Materialism c) Competition 6) You should arrive early to every appointment. a) Value of time b) Self-reliance c) Informality 7) Children are encouraged to move out of their parents' house when they become an adult. a) Action and work b) Self-reliance c) Competition 8) Public schools cannot require students to wear a uniform. a) Informality b) Materialism c) Individualism 9) In formal writing, you need to state your topic or purpose right away and restate it at the end. a) Efficiency b) Directness and honesty c) Value of time 10) Having the newest, best, and most expensive phone, clothes, and other items impresses other people. a) Materialism b) Personal control and determination c) Competition

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