1) Data that is measured a) Categorical b) Numerical c) Average d) Mean e) Spread f) Stem-and-Leaf 2) Data that is evenly spread a) Skewed b) Bi-Modal c) Symmetrical d) Butter e) Flat f) Average 3) The score that is in the middle of a set. a) Range b) Mode c) Data d) Average e) Mean f) Median  4) Scores above the fourth number in a five number summary are? a) The highest score. b) The top 25% c) The top 20% d) The top 96% e) Box and Whisker f) The bottom 20% 5) A score that is well above the rest? a) Outlier b) Mean c) Mode d) A legend e) Possible cheat f) Median 6) A standard deviation of -1 is...? a) A non- attempt b) A negative real score c) One standard deviation below the mean. d) One standard deviation below the mode. e) One standard deviation below the median. f) Bottome 25%

Single Variable Data Analysis


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