1) I wanted to go to the game, but my parents wouldn't let __________. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he 2) Peter and _______ went for ice cream. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he 3) _______ and I are friends. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he 4) The test was hard. I was not ready for ________. a) them b) it c) she d) her e) him f) he 5) Jennifer is super organized. _________ planned everything. a) them b) it c) she d) her e) him f) he 6) Linda is very funny. It's one of the things I like about ________. a) them b) it c) she d) her e) him f) he 7) _______ is a famous mystery novel author. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he 8) My grandparents gave my brother and ________ $50 for our birthdays. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he 9) Joe invited _______ to the party. a) they b) them c) she d) her e) him f) he 10) This present is from ________. a) I b) me c) she d) her e) him f) he

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